Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Endlessly Waiting, Endlessly Hoping

 In one month my dossier will have been in a file somewhere in Vietnam for a whole year. I started the adoption process in 2006 when Vietnam first reopened US adoptions and now I am still waiting for a referral when Vietnam and US are once again closing the doors on adoption.  I have always felt in my heart that I was meant to make this journey, but the sand is slipping through the hour glass of time as the September 1 deadline for referrals is approaching.  I am trying to stay hopeful, but at this point I don't even know if we have been "matched" with a baby yet.
  On a positive note, my adoption buddies Heather and Julie received referrals, and Jenna & Ed are in Vietnam now with their little baby Ella.  I am so happy for them :)
    "Keep a green bough in your heart, and the singing bird will come"-   Chinese proverb